Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury


Not having read any Bradbury before, I decided to take the plunge with his most famous work.
  I enjoyed the plot and certain clever points within the short story, eg firemen that start fires. 
Bradbury seems to have had a keen eye for the future too. Published in 1952 this prophetic short story forsees things like critical thinking being despised, the  govt encouraged blandness of life supported by fake news and giant home tv screens. It shows how the people are manipulated. One of my favourite quotes in the book is "the most dangerous enemy of truth and freedom, the solid unmoving cattle of the majority. Oh, God, the terrible tyranny of the majority." I thought that was very poignant with the vast swathes of the population being brainwashed by the Brexit campaign. 
 In many ways it is a sister piece to 1984. Although in 1984 if there is hope it lies with the proles ( proletariat) in Farenheit 451 it lies with the intellectuals 🤔. To be honest I think that we are being swamped with knobheads in all levels of society ATM. 
 The only thing that I found uncomfortable was Bradbury's writing style which I, personally, found a little disjointed and etheral.

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