- Ace, Cathy The Corpse with the Granite Heart
- Applebury, DP Promise (A book of death)
- Arthurs, Darren DeLuca
- Arthurs, Darren DeLuca Finds a Man
- Arthurs, Darren The Ceramic Dolls
- Banville, John Snow
- Barrow, Judith The Memory
- Bauer, Belinda Exit
- Bauer, Belinda Snap
- Barde-Cabucon, Olivier The Inspector of Unexplained Deaths
- Bell, Gary QC Post Mortem
- Bennett, Alan The Uncommon Reader
- Borstinski, Alex The Alex Cohen Series
- Bradbury, Ray Farenheit 451
- Cavanagh, Steve Fifty Fifty
- Cavanagh, Steve The Devils Advocate
- Chambers, Kimberley The Family Man
- Chapman, Jason The Dead Will Beckon
- Christie, Agatha The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
- Clarke. Arthur C 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Coates, Lee The Look
- Conroy, J.F. An Honest Life
- Cronin, A.J. The Citadel
- Cummins, Jeanine American Dirt
- Cosby, S.A. Razor Blade Tears
- Dando, KJ Lies After Death
- Deighton, Len Bomber
- Dick, Phillip K Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep
- Douglas, Claire The Couple at No9
- Ellis, Mark The Embassy Murders
- Elton, Ben Blind Faith
- Evans, Matthew J Chasing Shadows
- Fagan, John Gerard Fish Town
- Fagan, John Gerard Silent Riders of the Sea
- Franks, Tom Little Lamb
- Gaiman, Neil Norse Mythology
- Gibbons, Peter Viking : Blood & Blade
- Graham, Andrew James The Gathering of the Seven Stars
- Graves, Robert I, Claudius
- Graves, Robert Claudius The God
- Gray, Phillip Two Storm Wood
- Greene, Graham Brighton Rock
- Greene, Graham The Power & The Glory
- Griffin, Eamonn East of England
- Grisham, John The Reckoning
- Grisham, John The Street Lawyer
- Guillebeau, Michael Things To Do When You Would Rather Be Dead
- Hamilton, SDW Blood on the broadcast
- Harlond, JG Private Lives
- Harret, Jacqueline The Nesting Place
- Harret, Jacqueline The Whispering Trees
- Harret, Jacqueline With Grave Consequences
- Harris, Robert Act of Oblivion
- Harris, Robert The Second Sleep
- Harrison, Harry Make Room! Make Room!
- Havard, Stephen The Duel
- Hawkins, Alis None So Blind
- Haywood, Anne A Pilgrimage Around Wales
- Haywood, R.R. Delio Phase One
- Highsmith, Patricia Strangers On A Train
- Hill, Nathan The Nix
- Herron, Mick Slow Horses
- Herron, Mick London Rules
- Horrowitz, Anthony A Line To Kill
- Hurcom, Sam A Shadow On The Lens
- Huxley, Aldous Brave New World
- Jackson, Shirely The Haunting of Hill House
- Jardine, Quentin Skinners Rules
- Johnson, Matt Wicked Game
- Jones, Alan The Gathering Storm
- Jones, Cynan Cove
- Jones, Beverley The Wilderness
- Jurado, Juan Gomez God's Spy
- Glyn Jones The Island of Apples
- Jones, Philip Gwynne The Venetian Legacy
- King, Stephen 11:22:63
- Layland, Alison Riverflow
- Lewis, Mike If God Will Spare My Life
- Larismont, Patrick The Lightning And The Few
- Lloyd, Chris Paris Requiem
- Lloyd, Chris The Unwanted Dead
- Lowes, Mark Feral Snow
- Lowes, Mark Dandelion
- Matheson, Richard I am Legend
- McCathie, Pippa Murder in the Valleys
- McCarthy, Catherine Mists & Megaliths
- McCarthy, Cormac Blood Meridian
- McCarthy, Cormac The Road
- McCormick, William Burton A Stranger from the Storm
- Michaelides Alex, The Silent Patient
- Miller, Graham H Buzzard House
- Miller, Graham H The List
- Moore, Thorne Inside Out
- Morgan, Lowri Beyond Limits
- Mullins, Louise Love You Gone
- Mumford, Louse Sleepless
- Murphy, Harrison Chrysalis
- Murphy, Luke Red Zone
- Nicholl, John Killing Evil
- O"Farrell, Maggie Hamnet
- Orwell, George 1984
- Osman, Richard The Man Who Died Twice
- Palsdottir, Solveig Shrouded
- Parks, Alan Bloody January
- Pearson, T.R. Polar
- Pendreigh, Brian The Man in the Seventh Row
- Persig, Robert M Zen & The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenence
- Ragan, T.R. Count To Three
- Reed, SD Kerwall Town
- Remarque, Erich Maria All Quiet On The Western Front
- Rheam, Bryony All Come To Dust
- Roderick, Alan Astrid & the girl in the Tangerine Dress
- Rowlands, Phil Single Cell
- Scase, Leslie Fatal Solution
- Scase, Leslie Sabrina's Teardrop
- Sheers, Owen Resistance
- Skloot, Rebecca The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
- Steele, Phil Nerves of Steele
- Sullivan, Mark Beneath a Scarlet Sky
- Tallent, Gabriel My Absolute Darling
- Tartt, Donna The Secret History
- Thame, Michael A Pigs Squeal at Midnight
- Thaung, MH The Diamond Device
- Thompson, Hunter S Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
- Trezise, Rachel Easy Meat
- Trotter, John A Christmas Past
- Van der Velde, Simon Backstories
- Van der Velde, Simon The Silent Brother
- Vaughan, RG August Lost
- Vonnegut, Kurt Slaughterhouse Five
- Vowles, Jason R Crimson Snow
- Vowles,Jason R Haunted Mind
- Ward, Sarah The Birthday Girl
- Watson, Mark Contacts.
- Watts, Sarah What Happened To Evie Del Rio
- Weir, Andy Artemis
- Westlake, Chris I Am Here To Kill You
- Westlake, Chris The F Word Reality Show
- Williams, GB The Chair
- Williams, GJ The Conjuror's Apprentice
- Wilmslow, Don The Power of the Dog
- Winn, Alice In Memoriam
- Wright, Iain Rob Sam
- Young, Dylan The Operation
Monday, October 10, 2005
Book Reviews by Author
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The Wager by David Grann
Rating 4⭐s You can buy The Wager.... Here You can find out more about David Grann... Here The blurb... On 28th January 1742, a ramshack...

Recently I had the good fortune to review "Lies After Death" a blistering thriller set in Wales by exciting new talent K.J. Dand...
Bio.. I am a 50 something Steelworker from South Wales in UK. I am also a bibliophile. As often as possible I rope my now adult kids (who al...
11:22:63 by Stephen King 1984 by George Orwell 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C Clarke A Christmas Past by John Trotter A Pigs Squeal ...
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